Friday, April 24, 2015

I'm such a stalker!

Apparently I never actually posted this back in March!

It occurs to me as I read some of my friends on here that haven't posted for a while that I havn't posted for a while either. That's not to say that I've not been hanging around. I read your posts every day and sometimes comment but I forget to actually post myself sometimes.

We got our taxes back on Thursday (took less than a week! Woot!) so we went shopping for a few items that were needed. There was a woodworking show in town on Saturday so Bill and I ventured over in search of a router table. We had bought bits for making raised pannel cabinents at the last show we were at a few years ago but Bill found that the table he had would not accomodate the larger bit. So we found a really nice table for him this weekend that will fit.

Then we went to Costco in search of some canned vegatables that we had forgotten to buy the last time we were there. And Bill remined me that I have been looking at replacing my laptop. (Why is it you can never go into Costco and get just the things you went in for? It always requires at least $200 to get out the door!) So, I was looking at them when the HP rep came over and talked me into getting an HP. Now I should know better really - I had a specific machine in mind which they didn't have but she talked all around that convincing me that her machine could do everything I wanted. So I bought it.

Brought said machine home and tried to load the software I need for work on it - no go. Then I discovered that there was no indicator for the num lock or the caps lock. Now who in their right mind would not put some sort of indicator for at least the num lock? I have too many passwords that require num lock to not know if I'm locked or not. The HP was retured and I'll be going back out to the Toshiba website today to order my new lap top.

I also got a Food Saver while at Costco. Bill had one that we have literally worn out! So we bought a new one and I happily sealed steaks and salmon away in the freezer in individual packages. I love this thing and i'm hoping that this summer we will be able to purchase a side of beef from a local farmer to be sealed and frozen. We wore Bill's Food Saver out packaging venison too.

Red Barn Update

It's been a while since I gave you an update on the house in the country. Yes, we are still working on it, no, it's not done yet. Unfortunately. But we have made some progress. Bill put insulation in most of the walls upstairs and in the shop downstairs. We had the electric hooked up to the furnace and Bill has most of the duct work in. He has been working in the yard quite a bit this spring. We have such a big yard that we've started taking sections at a time and working until that section is finished. We have been tring to get to the orchard for several weeks now but something always seems to come up. My work pulled all the tulips this past week and gave them away to employees so I took some then found that there was a lot left over so I brought the rest down on Thursday. We planted them along the road down into the campground. Last fall I did the same with some ditch lillies and iris - both are coming up now.

We have a busy few weeks ahead of us with festivals, a wedding, and then our annual camping trip in June. Then my last two kids at home are moving out in July. August will see me headed to Texas for the birth of my first grandchild. Before we know it, it will be fall again and more festivals. Where does the time go?