Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What's Cookin?

I was in bed most of the day yesterday so I missed going to Walgreens for after Christmas sale lights and doing my menu for the week. It’s still a busy week ahead so I’m going to make some quick and easy things. I left my new cookbook at home so I’ll peruse that on Friday morning to see what I want to cook out of it.

Monday: we had leftover’s from Christmas dinner
Tuesday: Eat out – errands after my WW meeting
Wednesday: Tuna Casserole with Salad
Thursday: Hamburger helper with Salad
Friday: Something from my new WW power foods cookbook
Saturday: New Year’s Eve party - munchies
Sunday: Ham, Cole slaw, black eyed peas, Mac and cheese

As usual if you want a recipe – just let me know.

Tuesday Morning

And today I woke to snow!  Not enough to be a bother but the first real snow we have had this season.... so pretty!

Holiday Update

I’ve been offline for a few days with the Holiday so I am just now getting around to reading about all your glorious Christmas celebrations. So here is a bit of mine.

I took Friday off to be home with the family. Tom and Erik are both home for the holidays so the house has been full – to overflowing! LOL!

(Doesn't seem like he has moved much since Thanksgiving huh?)

(The sun was very bright coming in the east facing window Christmas morning.)

We headed up to my Nephew’s on Christmas Eve (a four hour drive) and stopped for Monicals Pizza on the way. Tom has a buddy in the Army that lives in St. Joe Illinois and used to work at that Monicals so we stopped there and he came up to the store to visit. Then off to the nephew’s house for lots of good food and family.

This year’s drive home from Illinois was MUCH IMPROVED over last year when we drove in a blizzard and that four hour drive turned into more like eight! This year we had dry pavement all the way home – so much better on the nerves.

We slept in on Christmas day as Bill was having Christmas morning with Justin and his family. Bill found out he is going to be a grandpa again in July – the due date is his birthday too which is way cool since she will be having a cesarean so unless she goes into labor early she can plan it for that day!

On to our Christmas morning – Austen got me a Nook Color! Woot!! I never expected it from just one of the kids, I thought they would all go together and get one if they did at all. Aubri got me a new cookbook from Weight Watchers – Woot - so that I can cook some low point meals now that my points have dropped so low. Tom got me a necklace and tennis bracelet which I’m wearing today. And Erik’s gifts will be a little late as he didn’t get paid until Friday before Christmas.

Bill is chomping at the bit to get heat in the shop so he can get gifts made as well – my birthday will be coming up shortly so maybe he and Erik will be just in time for that!  The turkey turned out delicious – Bill deep fried it and the rest of the dinner was much simpler that Thanksgiving since everyone complained that I made things too fancy.

Yesterday was spent in bed all day as I developed dizziness overnight. Seems every time I moved I was overcome with a wave a dizzy so I pretty much stayed in bed. It progressed to just a fuzzy head later in the day and clear by last night so I’m back at work today. I did get to watch both seasons of ROME all day and snuggle with Bill so the day was not a total loss. ;)

I have one more holiday party to get through (our New Year’s Eve Party) this coming weekend and then it will be back to eating regularly and low point meals. I think I did well this weekend so hopefully I’ll make it as well next too.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Blessed Yule

There seems to be some confusion about the Solstice this year.  Here in Missouri (Central Time Zone) the sun will enter Capricorn at 11:30pm this evening making this Solstice Night (the longest of the year).  But in the Eastern Time Zone this happens at 12:30am tomorrow morning making the 22nd Solstice.  Most of the calendars in the US are printed in New York which is in the Eastern Time Zone so it is marked on the calendar as tomorrow.  Either way the sun seems to have stopped moving for the last few days and will not seem to move for another few so Yule actually lasts several days – celebrate as you will!

Whatever time zone you live in – Blessed Yule!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What's Cookin?

Monday found us at a funeral for one of Aubri’s coaches from the Outburst so we ate at the luncheon after the funeral then later at El Maguey. This past weekend didn’t do much for my WW plan – I am sure I gained a few pounds. Next week isn’t looking much better except for the fact that I can cook at home – but I have all my boys home for the Holidays so I have to cook meals that they will eat.

Monday: El Maguey
Tuesday: Roasted Chicken from Dierbergs deli with sides
Wednesday: Ham, roasted brussel sprouts, mac and cheese
Thursday: Roast Beast (venison), mashed potatoes, gravy and wax beans
Friday: Bean soup with leftover ham (thanks Cheri for the beans  )
Saturday: Turkey dinner at my nephews house in Illinois
Sunday: Deep fried turkey, corn bread dressing, mashed potatoes and giblet gravy, green beans, noodles (maybe if Aubri wants to make them), rolls and pumpkin pie

As usual if you want a recipe – just let me know. “Everybody Cooks” is a quarterly magazine put out by Dierbergs Grocery store. You can find it online here: http://www.dierbergs.com/School/Everybody+Cooks+Magazine.aspx

Solstice Sunrise

Solstice Sunrise at Woodhenge, Cahokia Mounds Illinois

Saturday morning found us at the Mounds at 7:00am waiting for the sun to rise at 7:15. It was a nice morning - not nearly as cold and windy as it usually is on Solstice morning at the Mounds. The archeologist from the Cahokia Learning Center was on hand as usual to give an interpretation of the Woodhenge - how it was found, some history and such.

Across the road where there are several more mounds and open fields of grass grazed herds of white tail deer. I tried to get a picture but they were so far away that my camera on my phone couldn't get them in the picture except as small dark dots on the landscape. But there must have been over 50 deer in all the fields as we pulled up. They were beautiful.

After sunrise we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast as is tradition. Our good friend Charlie was there and so conversation never faltered! :) Naps were acquired once we got back home

Monday, December 12, 2011

The finished tank

Here is the tank completed and filled with water to the top like it should be. Yes, Peter has moved since the last picture but he seems to like this spot so we see him here a lot. If you look above him and to the left a little you will see 'Sharkbait" the other fish she has.

Bill make the top this weekend to replace the lovely screen we had over it before. We still need to get a knob for the lift up door (right now it has a little peice of wire) but that won't change it much. It is also much quieter now that the water isn't falling 3 inches from the filter to the top of the tank. We had about an inch of evaporation this week while we waited for Bill to come up this weekend and build the new top.

So, her little friends are happy and seemingly healthy. :)

What's Cookin?

Because of my earlier post about money being tight we are eating a lot of leftovers this week.

Monday: Cauliflower cheese soup – WW recipe
Tuesday: Zuppa Toscana (lunch) turkey dinner (Dinner)
Wednesday: Broccoli and sausage casserole (lunch) Vegetable beef and barley soup (dinner)
Thursday: Shrimp Vindaloo (lunch) leftovers at Bills for dinner
Friday: Leftovers at Bills for lunch and dinner
Saturday: leftovers at Bill’s for lunch. We have another Yule party to go to for dinner not sure what I’m taking yet.
Sunday: Thimbles w/mushrooms and artichokes (lunch) Venison Stew (dinner)

As usual if you want a recipe – just let me know. “Everybody Cooks” is a quarterly magazine put out by Dierbergs Grocery store. You can find it online here: http://www.dierbergs.com/School/Everybody+Cooks+Magazine.aspx

Why does everything come due in December?

My driver’s license, real estate taxes, personal property taxes, Christmas, Insurance, and Car Tags – seems like December is the month that everything in my life is due and needs money. So for the next few weeks, we will be eating leftovers from the freezer and making meals out of the stores in the cupboards instead of planning new meals. Fortunately, I have just about all my shopping done that I can think of I just have to get one son home from college yet – he’s just as broke as I am! But come next weekend, I’ll have all my boys home again until Tom goes back on the 1st.

The Yule parties this past weekend were very nice and of course I ate more than I should have. There was cake – need I say more? Everything was quite tasty and I did eat my cake slowly and savored every bite! Now, to try to eat better this week in anticipation of the turkey on Christmas!

I don’t think I’m going to make it up to my sister’s house this year – just don’t have the funds but Tom is going so I’ll send presents up with him. I need to get into the homemade gifts for next year definitely. Giving everyone outside the family homemade goodies – I’m just not making the sweets like I usually do – keeping temptation away.

I got quite the boost to my ego this weekend – several folks had not seen me in several months and commented that some didn’t recognize me since I have lost weight – love that! I still have a lot to go but it does help with the motivation hearing that. I even had a few that HAVE seen me recently just didn’t realize until they say me in clothes that fit – how much weight I had lost.

Well, time to get started with my day – working from home today so I get to cook my own lunch and eat in front of my TV! Mondays are always great now!

Friday, December 9, 2011

One down three to go

I did really well on Wednesday at work with the Ladies Holiday Luncheon. Usually I bring something for the pot luck and I try EVERYTHING! This year I didn't bring anything for the pot luck so I brought my own salad (leftovers from Fazollies the night before) and I ate my salad and didn't eat any of the goodies they had there. It was really not that much different than the usual except for the food and I didn't even miss it!

Tonight we are going over to a friends house for a Yule party. I'm bringing a Vegatable CrockPot dish and have planned what I will be eating when I get there.

Tomorrow night we have a fancy banquet to go to and I have no idea what is on the menu there so I'll have to play that one by ear.

Sunday we have another potluck to go to and I will be bringing Wild Rice Medley with lots of veggies in it. I think I will actually do better at the potluck than at the banquet.

Anyway, if I make it through this weekend then I just have Christmas and New Years Eve and I'll be back to normal eating again. I'm hoping to not gain any this holiday (I did at Thanksgiving) and even loose a little if possible. :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Look what Erik found

Erik just emailed me the link to an article about him that ran in the paper back in June:


Unfortunately, he never got the chance to try out at Maryville but maybe this spring at SCCC.  :)

Fish continued....

Here are the pics of Aubri's new aquarium:

The back of the tank is mirrored and if you look closely you can see that everything seems to be doubled. That big black blob in the center is Peter the catfish.

This is Peter her giant catfish! His reflection in the back of the tank is even big!

Her white bookshelves now.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

And then there were fish…

Austen used to be my animal person.  And he still is to a degree – he loves small cuddly furry creatures and has adopted every stray cat that has come into the house (that would be my mom’s cat and Tom’s cat).  But now he has competition for the animal person in our house.  Aubri has also adopted my mom’s cat Sneaker and has promptly renamed him Boo or BooBoo when she fancies it.  Anyway, she also has a put bunny – Oreo or BunBun as the rest of us call him.  Now she has acquired fish.

She has been after me to get her a small fish tank for quite some time.  My thoughts were that fish don’t really take that much time and you can pretty much leave them to their own devices as long as you feed them and have algae eating fish to tend to the tank.  They offer wonderful meditative properties (I have been known to sit and stare at a fish tank for hours) and the constant dripping of the filter is very soothing – like a fountain.  So while I was not apposed to her getting fish, she needed to clean a place in her room (well, the entire room for that matter) to put them.

So, boxes were procured and plans were made to move her current shelves from her room into the computer room right outside her door.  Of course the required ME to do some work!  As fate would have it, a friend of ours moved to a new house and while we were helping her with the move mentioned that I had this big desk that I wanted to get rid of.  Yep, Bill and I moved it to her place that weekend!  So now I had no excuse but to start packing up the stuff that had been in the desk and make room for Aubri’s shelves. 

A few weeks ago, I managed to get a space cleared out in the computer room (which is now called the library) to move Aubri’s shelves into.  After they were moved, I had to bring all my books from the basement shelves up to the new library….oomph!  I had three book shelves full to overflowing down in the basement that all my books were on and I carried every last one of them upstairs by myself!  I wonder how many activity points that was?

After getting all my books upstairs and organized, I left it to Aubri to pack her stuff that she had just dumped on the floor from her shelves into boxes so that we could move the three bookshelves from downstairs up to her room.  (You see, the ones in the basement were white and her bedroom furniture is all white except for the old shelves she had in there which were wood toned.  And the white shelves take up less space than her four old shelves did – that’s why we moved things around.)

I had to procure more boxes which stood outside her room for several days before she finally got around to using them this past weekend.  I came home on Sunday and she was all excited!  Her brother had helped her move her room around and carry the shelves upstairs to her room.  She was now all organized and ready for fish.

As fate would have it again, she has a friend at school who wanted to get rid of a fish tank and fish… free tank, free fish – sounds good to me!  So we head over there Monday evening after dinner to pick up her tank and fish.  Now I’m expecting a small tank – something that will fit on top of her dresser.  Imagine my surprise first when they bring down and a zip loc bag with a plecostomus catfish that was (I kid you not) 6 or 7 inches long!  He barely fit across the bottom of the gallon zip loc that they put him in!  OMG, if the catfish is that big – how big is the tank?

Turns out the tank is somewhere between 25 and 35 gallons we think.  It’s 36 inches across and 13 inches deep and 24 inches tall – it came with a stand!  Wow!  Good thing she cleaned her room or she would never have had a place to put it.  We need to replace the top or have Bill build us a new one as this is a flat back hex tank and we can’t find anyone anywhere that carries that kind any longer so we can’t find a hood.  I searched online and found what I think will work but I can’t get anyone to measure the darn thing to see if the dimensions are correct – plus it’s $41.99 plus shipping – I think Bill can build something less expensive!

A hood is very important because not only does it keep the water from evaporating as quickly, it keeps the fish in the tank and not jumping out and it keeps the cats out of the tank and not jumping in! 

I wish I had thought to take a picture of the tank now that it is set up and the fish are acclimating to it just fine.  Once we get a lid and not the screen that I found to put over it temporarily I will be taking a picture.

So, I walked into her bedroom last night and there she sat on her bed with her cat, her bunny and the fish tank bubbling in the corner…. I wonder how you wrap a fish for Christmas?

Monday, December 5, 2011

What's Cookin?

Monday: InnovAsian Orange Chicken breast (the one we tried last week wasn’t very good) and InnovAsian Chicken Fried Rice. (Both frozen foods)
Tuesday: Panko breaded Shrimp, Wild Rice Medley (Everybody Cooks, Holiday, 2010)
Wednesday: Cauliflower Cheese Soup (WW Recipe) with chopped broccoli added, crusty bread
Thursday: Thimbles with Mushrooms and Artichokes (Giada De Laurentiis – food network)
Friday: Dinner at Amanda’s Yule Party – taking vegetable crock pot (http://southernfood.about.com/od/crockpotvegetables/r/bl21c8.htm)
Saturday: Dinner at Harmony’s Flame Yule party - buffet
Sunday: Dinner at FWF Yule party – pot luck – if the vegetable crock pot is a hit, I may take it again since this will most likely be a different set of folks.

As usual if you want a recipe – just let me know. “Everybody Cooks” is a quarterly magazine put out by Dierbergs Grocery store. You can find it online here: http://www.dierbergs.com/School/Everybody+Cooks+Magazine.aspx

I have three Yule parties to go to this weekend so I’m not sure how well I’ll be doing on my Weight Watchers plan but I’ve been really good the past week and will try to save up all my extra points for the weekend this week as well. Wish me luck!