Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Day

Actually I didn't get a snow day from work - I can work from home - but it snowed .... a lot!

This was my view on the drive home:

And this was after it had been snowing less than an hour!

We had plenty of warning that the storm was coming of course but you know - they cry wolf a lot!  It was perfectly clear and not doing anything when I left for work at 6:30 but by 9:30 it was snowing.  I had thought to go home at 11 but my boss came by around 10 and said to go home.  So I left... and it usually takes about 18 minutes to get home but yesterday it took about 30 minutes.  The roads just continued to get worse.

But I got home safe and sound and worked from my warm little kitchen table the rest of the afternoon.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A quick note

Got a call from Tom over the weekend (at 12 midnight!). Something about the phone ringing in the middle of the night when I'm in the country and don't get good cell signal anyway - and then to top it off I recognize the ringtone as my son who is in the desert.. well, I must have set a land speed record getting to it!

He was headed back to civilization and had had his first REAL shower in a month! It was of course only 10pm in California so he didn't think about the time difference until I answered the phone all sleeping anxious. He didn't stay on the phone long (although who can sleep after that!) but just wanted to let me know that he was ok and to let me hear his voice (and hear mine too I imagine) after a month of text only.

He will be catching a plane back to Texas on Friday and then he has to get his mail box set back up so we can send him his mail and assorted goodies - just in time for Valentines Day! :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Survey says.......

I read this on Good Enough Farm's blog and thought I would share my answers.

A is for age: 52
B is for breakfast today: McDonalds Egg McMuffin and hashbrown (It's my work from home Friday and since I'm in the country I have to go to town for internet access.)
C is for currently craving: Something sweet
D is for dinner tonight: chicken thighs with apple cider vinager sause and sweet pototes

E is for favorite type of exercise: Walking
F is for an irrational fear: Something happening to my children
G is for gross food: Hmmm this is a hard one since I like so many things.  I don't like liver but I wouldn't say it's gross. 
H is for hometown: This needs some clarification.  The town I grew up in was Fairmount, IL.  The town I currently live in is a suburbe of St. Louis.  The town I will be living in is Fredericktown, MO (well in the country but that's my address)
I is for something important: Family
J is for current favorite jam: I had never really thought about this before.... I don't really use jam or jelly much.  I do like apple butter - does that count?
K is for kids: Tom, Austen, Erik and Aubri
L is for current location:  Again, needs clarification.  Right now I'm sitting in a coffee house in Farmington, MO
M is for the most recent way you spent money: I bought my lunch in the coffe house
N is for something you need: I don't really need much in material possessions - I guess more money would be nice.

O is for occupation: I'm a computer programmer

P is for pet peeve: rush hour traffic - I avoid it like the plague!

Q is for a quote: "I aim to misbehave"  Malcome Reynolds - Serenity

R is for random fact about you: I was born in Hawaii

S is for favorite healthy snack:  carrot sticks and hummus (the carrots are really just a device for which to transport the hummus to my mouth!)

T is for favorite treat: Vanilla ice cream and ritz crackers - I know right!  Bill introduced me to this just last week so it's sort of a new treat.

U is for something that makes you unique: Everyone is a unique person - no one is just like you.  You are the way you are because of the path you have walked.
V is for favorite vegetable: I refuse to answer this question. Instead I am making a new one. V is for.... Okay, I can't come up with anything else. I don't play the violin. I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. The only other V I can think of people don't talk about in polite society. That excludes me, of course, but you may be polite so I'm trying to consider you. So, the long and the short of it is Broccoli.

W is for today’s workout: Hmm - this is a day of sitting at the computer so I doubt there will be much workout today.  Yesterday however, I went to Zumba class!
X is for X-rays you’ve had:  I just had an x-ray of my tailbone last week - it's fractured
Y is for yesterday’s highlight:  Having dinner with my son then driving down to the country to see Bill.  :)
Z is for your time zone: I agree with Laura on this one - They were desperate for a Z question, weren't they? Central
So, there you have it.... I expect this to go viral soon.  :)