Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Rainy election Day

I'm working from the country house today because I have registed to vote down here.  When I changed my name and address on my drivers license this summer they asked if I wanted to transfer my voter registeration.  I didn't think about it just said yes.  Well, I can't very well work in the city and vote down here so I'm working from home today.

I woke up this morning to hear rain on the roof of the camper.  I love to sleep while it's raining and really just wanted to curl up next to Bill and go back to sleep.  Unfortunately, he had things to do this morning as well and got up!  :(

So now I'm sitting at my desk/table upstairs in the 'barn' with my computer listeing to it rain on the metal roof.  It sounds like a downpour in here but I know it's just a gentle rain.  Once we have the insulation and wall board up it won't be as loud but I'm hoping that I will still hear it.  I've always loved a rainy day (I probably should live in the Pacifc Northwest or England! LOL).