Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I broke my butt!

I've been having some pain for a while now and I didn't remember (until I talked with Bill this afternoon) that I HAD fallen back in the spring in the woods. Sat down really hard on my rear. Well, I've broken my tailbone. Dr sent me to get X-rays yesterday and they called me back this morning to tell me that I have a fracture in my tailbone.

Not a darn thing we can do about it but wait it out. What a pain in the ass!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Who said their's no such thing as a free lunch?

Bill and I had the Hawthorn clan over yesterday afternoon to iron out some details and make some plans. I had originally said I was going to make soup but decided yesterday morning while trying to make up my mind what kind of soup to make that if I made soup it would have meat in it and we have a couple of vegetarians and that just wouldnt' do. So instead I ordered pizza and salad from the pizzaria that the kids work at. Austen was taking his dinner break just at the perfect time to bring home 3 giant pizzas and two giant salads. It was a hit! And I am eating the leftovers for lunch with the bread that was brought. (Ok, I bought the salad dressing today so it wasn't totaly free!)

Got a text from Tom yesterday. He was supposed to be out of contact for a month but apparently the army has allowed them their cell phones after all cause I've gotten a few texts from him over the past week. He's in the desert training for deployment in August. They happen to be camped near a highway so he got cell signal. He said that it's damn cold in the winter in the desert and the heater in their tent broke 3 nights ago! That sucks! lol

And he also said that he got his first shower in 13 days and it was "a jury rigged can up in a tent with a pallot under it... The water was just this side of freezing and I think it might have actually given me a small heart attack!" Hmm he's never been camping with us at Samhain! LOL

I guess I'm going to have to enlighten him on the finer points of a tent bath. The first year we went to PSG at Wisteria we perfected the tent bath because the shower house was up a hill and by the time you walked back down to your tent, you needed another shower!

Well he might be freezing in the desert but it's 65 degrees in St. Louis today and I have the doors and windows open to air the house out. I took a short walk ealier today during a morning break and the birds all think it's spring as well as the trees - they are starting to bud! This is crazy weather we have been having but it's supposed to get cold again later this week. And all the snow we had last week is of course gone now with the sunshine and warm temps.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Staining the walls in California

I don't know if you can see in this picture but Bill has been putting up walls. Outter walls first and now he has started on the inner walls. This is going to be our bedroom - we have walls! The door is on the left across from what will be the bathroom.

Walls in our bedroom

This weekend was the first time I had been out to the country since before Christmas. On Saturday and Sunday I walked the property while Bill was working on those walls.... boy I can tell I've not done anything for a while! I had to stop several times for a break on the way around (it's quite hilly) but I made it! It took about an hour on Saturday but only about 48 minutes on Sunday.

I'm having a love/hate relationship with the Weight Watchers active link I got for Christmas. I finished my evaluation week and so far I've only gotten 5 extra points and that was the day I went to the gym! All that hiking in the woods and I got nothing! I think I may have found the problem though - location of the monitor. I'm going to start wearing it on my waistband instead of in my pocket. I'll have to see how that goes.

Bill is also refinishing my kitchen table. He has the first stain on it but I think it needs another coat. He just has the top started - then he'll have to do the legs and then poly the whole thing. Hopefully it warms up again soon so he can put the poly on - it has to be at least 70 for it to dry properly.

Tom called this morning to tell me that he leaves at 3:30AM for California for a month of playing in the dessert. They will be practicing being deployed. His unit will be going to Affganistan in August so this is their practice run - he doesn't know if he will have service in the dessert so this may be my last chance to talk with him for a while. :(

Otherwise all is well here.