Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What's Cookin?

I was in bed most of the day yesterday so I missed going to Walgreens for after Christmas sale lights and doing my menu for the week. It’s still a busy week ahead so I’m going to make some quick and easy things. I left my new cookbook at home so I’ll peruse that on Friday morning to see what I want to cook out of it.

Monday: we had leftover’s from Christmas dinner
Tuesday: Eat out – errands after my WW meeting
Wednesday: Tuna Casserole with Salad
Thursday: Hamburger helper with Salad
Friday: Something from my new WW power foods cookbook
Saturday: New Year’s Eve party - munchies
Sunday: Ham, Cole slaw, black eyed peas, Mac and cheese

As usual if you want a recipe – just let me know.

Tuesday Morning

And today I woke to snow!  Not enough to be a bother but the first real snow we have had this season.... so pretty!

Holiday Update

I’ve been offline for a few days with the Holiday so I am just now getting around to reading about all your glorious Christmas celebrations. So here is a bit of mine.

I took Friday off to be home with the family. Tom and Erik are both home for the holidays so the house has been full – to overflowing! LOL!

(Doesn't seem like he has moved much since Thanksgiving huh?)

(The sun was very bright coming in the east facing window Christmas morning.)

We headed up to my Nephew’s on Christmas Eve (a four hour drive) and stopped for Monicals Pizza on the way. Tom has a buddy in the Army that lives in St. Joe Illinois and used to work at that Monicals so we stopped there and he came up to the store to visit. Then off to the nephew’s house for lots of good food and family.

This year’s drive home from Illinois was MUCH IMPROVED over last year when we drove in a blizzard and that four hour drive turned into more like eight! This year we had dry pavement all the way home – so much better on the nerves.

We slept in on Christmas day as Bill was having Christmas morning with Justin and his family. Bill found out he is going to be a grandpa again in July – the due date is his birthday too which is way cool since she will be having a cesarean so unless she goes into labor early she can plan it for that day!

On to our Christmas morning – Austen got me a Nook Color! Woot!! I never expected it from just one of the kids, I thought they would all go together and get one if they did at all. Aubri got me a new cookbook from Weight Watchers – Woot - so that I can cook some low point meals now that my points have dropped so low. Tom got me a necklace and tennis bracelet which I’m wearing today. And Erik’s gifts will be a little late as he didn’t get paid until Friday before Christmas.

Bill is chomping at the bit to get heat in the shop so he can get gifts made as well – my birthday will be coming up shortly so maybe he and Erik will be just in time for that!  The turkey turned out delicious – Bill deep fried it and the rest of the dinner was much simpler that Thanksgiving since everyone complained that I made things too fancy.

Yesterday was spent in bed all day as I developed dizziness overnight. Seems every time I moved I was overcome with a wave a dizzy so I pretty much stayed in bed. It progressed to just a fuzzy head later in the day and clear by last night so I’m back at work today. I did get to watch both seasons of ROME all day and snuggle with Bill so the day was not a total loss. ;)

I have one more holiday party to get through (our New Year’s Eve Party) this coming weekend and then it will be back to eating regularly and low point meals. I think I did well this weekend so hopefully I’ll make it as well next too.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Blessed Yule

There seems to be some confusion about the Solstice this year.  Here in Missouri (Central Time Zone) the sun will enter Capricorn at 11:30pm this evening making this Solstice Night (the longest of the year).  But in the Eastern Time Zone this happens at 12:30am tomorrow morning making the 22nd Solstice.  Most of the calendars in the US are printed in New York which is in the Eastern Time Zone so it is marked on the calendar as tomorrow.  Either way the sun seems to have stopped moving for the last few days and will not seem to move for another few so Yule actually lasts several days – celebrate as you will!

Whatever time zone you live in – Blessed Yule!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What's Cookin?

Monday found us at a funeral for one of Aubri’s coaches from the Outburst so we ate at the luncheon after the funeral then later at El Maguey. This past weekend didn’t do much for my WW plan – I am sure I gained a few pounds. Next week isn’t looking much better except for the fact that I can cook at home – but I have all my boys home for the Holidays so I have to cook meals that they will eat.

Monday: El Maguey
Tuesday: Roasted Chicken from Dierbergs deli with sides
Wednesday: Ham, roasted brussel sprouts, mac and cheese
Thursday: Roast Beast (venison), mashed potatoes, gravy and wax beans
Friday: Bean soup with leftover ham (thanks Cheri for the beans  )
Saturday: Turkey dinner at my nephews house in Illinois
Sunday: Deep fried turkey, corn bread dressing, mashed potatoes and giblet gravy, green beans, noodles (maybe if Aubri wants to make them), rolls and pumpkin pie

As usual if you want a recipe – just let me know. “Everybody Cooks” is a quarterly magazine put out by Dierbergs Grocery store. You can find it online here: http://www.dierbergs.com/School/Everybody+Cooks+Magazine.aspx

Solstice Sunrise

Solstice Sunrise at Woodhenge, Cahokia Mounds Illinois

Saturday morning found us at the Mounds at 7:00am waiting for the sun to rise at 7:15. It was a nice morning - not nearly as cold and windy as it usually is on Solstice morning at the Mounds. The archeologist from the Cahokia Learning Center was on hand as usual to give an interpretation of the Woodhenge - how it was found, some history and such.

Across the road where there are several more mounds and open fields of grass grazed herds of white tail deer. I tried to get a picture but they were so far away that my camera on my phone couldn't get them in the picture except as small dark dots on the landscape. But there must have been over 50 deer in all the fields as we pulled up. They were beautiful.

After sunrise we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast as is tradition. Our good friend Charlie was there and so conversation never faltered! :) Naps were acquired once we got back home

Monday, December 12, 2011

The finished tank

Here is the tank completed and filled with water to the top like it should be. Yes, Peter has moved since the last picture but he seems to like this spot so we see him here a lot. If you look above him and to the left a little you will see 'Sharkbait" the other fish she has.

Bill make the top this weekend to replace the lovely screen we had over it before. We still need to get a knob for the lift up door (right now it has a little peice of wire) but that won't change it much. It is also much quieter now that the water isn't falling 3 inches from the filter to the top of the tank. We had about an inch of evaporation this week while we waited for Bill to come up this weekend and build the new top.

So, her little friends are happy and seemingly healthy. :)

What's Cookin?

Because of my earlier post about money being tight we are eating a lot of leftovers this week.

Monday: Cauliflower cheese soup – WW recipe
Tuesday: Zuppa Toscana (lunch) turkey dinner (Dinner)
Wednesday: Broccoli and sausage casserole (lunch) Vegetable beef and barley soup (dinner)
Thursday: Shrimp Vindaloo (lunch) leftovers at Bills for dinner
Friday: Leftovers at Bills for lunch and dinner
Saturday: leftovers at Bill’s for lunch. We have another Yule party to go to for dinner not sure what I’m taking yet.
Sunday: Thimbles w/mushrooms and artichokes (lunch) Venison Stew (dinner)

As usual if you want a recipe – just let me know. “Everybody Cooks” is a quarterly magazine put out by Dierbergs Grocery store. You can find it online here: http://www.dierbergs.com/School/Everybody+Cooks+Magazine.aspx

Why does everything come due in December?

My driver’s license, real estate taxes, personal property taxes, Christmas, Insurance, and Car Tags – seems like December is the month that everything in my life is due and needs money. So for the next few weeks, we will be eating leftovers from the freezer and making meals out of the stores in the cupboards instead of planning new meals. Fortunately, I have just about all my shopping done that I can think of I just have to get one son home from college yet – he’s just as broke as I am! But come next weekend, I’ll have all my boys home again until Tom goes back on the 1st.

The Yule parties this past weekend were very nice and of course I ate more than I should have. There was cake – need I say more? Everything was quite tasty and I did eat my cake slowly and savored every bite! Now, to try to eat better this week in anticipation of the turkey on Christmas!

I don’t think I’m going to make it up to my sister’s house this year – just don’t have the funds but Tom is going so I’ll send presents up with him. I need to get into the homemade gifts for next year definitely. Giving everyone outside the family homemade goodies – I’m just not making the sweets like I usually do – keeping temptation away.

I got quite the boost to my ego this weekend – several folks had not seen me in several months and commented that some didn’t recognize me since I have lost weight – love that! I still have a lot to go but it does help with the motivation hearing that. I even had a few that HAVE seen me recently just didn’t realize until they say me in clothes that fit – how much weight I had lost.

Well, time to get started with my day – working from home today so I get to cook my own lunch and eat in front of my TV! Mondays are always great now!

Friday, December 9, 2011

One down three to go

I did really well on Wednesday at work with the Ladies Holiday Luncheon. Usually I bring something for the pot luck and I try EVERYTHING! This year I didn't bring anything for the pot luck so I brought my own salad (leftovers from Fazollies the night before) and I ate my salad and didn't eat any of the goodies they had there. It was really not that much different than the usual except for the food and I didn't even miss it!

Tonight we are going over to a friends house for a Yule party. I'm bringing a Vegatable CrockPot dish and have planned what I will be eating when I get there.

Tomorrow night we have a fancy banquet to go to and I have no idea what is on the menu there so I'll have to play that one by ear.

Sunday we have another potluck to go to and I will be bringing Wild Rice Medley with lots of veggies in it. I think I will actually do better at the potluck than at the banquet.

Anyway, if I make it through this weekend then I just have Christmas and New Years Eve and I'll be back to normal eating again. I'm hoping to not gain any this holiday (I did at Thanksgiving) and even loose a little if possible. :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Look what Erik found

Erik just emailed me the link to an article about him that ran in the paper back in June:


Unfortunately, he never got the chance to try out at Maryville but maybe this spring at SCCC.  :)

Fish continued....

Here are the pics of Aubri's new aquarium:

The back of the tank is mirrored and if you look closely you can see that everything seems to be doubled. That big black blob in the center is Peter the catfish.

This is Peter her giant catfish! His reflection in the back of the tank is even big!

Her white bookshelves now.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

And then there were fish…

Austen used to be my animal person.  And he still is to a degree – he loves small cuddly furry creatures and has adopted every stray cat that has come into the house (that would be my mom’s cat and Tom’s cat).  But now he has competition for the animal person in our house.  Aubri has also adopted my mom’s cat Sneaker and has promptly renamed him Boo or BooBoo when she fancies it.  Anyway, she also has a put bunny – Oreo or BunBun as the rest of us call him.  Now she has acquired fish.

She has been after me to get her a small fish tank for quite some time.  My thoughts were that fish don’t really take that much time and you can pretty much leave them to their own devices as long as you feed them and have algae eating fish to tend to the tank.  They offer wonderful meditative properties (I have been known to sit and stare at a fish tank for hours) and the constant dripping of the filter is very soothing – like a fountain.  So while I was not apposed to her getting fish, she needed to clean a place in her room (well, the entire room for that matter) to put them.

So, boxes were procured and plans were made to move her current shelves from her room into the computer room right outside her door.  Of course the required ME to do some work!  As fate would have it, a friend of ours moved to a new house and while we were helping her with the move mentioned that I had this big desk that I wanted to get rid of.  Yep, Bill and I moved it to her place that weekend!  So now I had no excuse but to start packing up the stuff that had been in the desk and make room for Aubri’s shelves. 

A few weeks ago, I managed to get a space cleared out in the computer room (which is now called the library) to move Aubri’s shelves into.  After they were moved, I had to bring all my books from the basement shelves up to the new library….oomph!  I had three book shelves full to overflowing down in the basement that all my books were on and I carried every last one of them upstairs by myself!  I wonder how many activity points that was?

After getting all my books upstairs and organized, I left it to Aubri to pack her stuff that she had just dumped on the floor from her shelves into boxes so that we could move the three bookshelves from downstairs up to her room.  (You see, the ones in the basement were white and her bedroom furniture is all white except for the old shelves she had in there which were wood toned.  And the white shelves take up less space than her four old shelves did – that’s why we moved things around.)

I had to procure more boxes which stood outside her room for several days before she finally got around to using them this past weekend.  I came home on Sunday and she was all excited!  Her brother had helped her move her room around and carry the shelves upstairs to her room.  She was now all organized and ready for fish.

As fate would have it again, she has a friend at school who wanted to get rid of a fish tank and fish… free tank, free fish – sounds good to me!  So we head over there Monday evening after dinner to pick up her tank and fish.  Now I’m expecting a small tank – something that will fit on top of her dresser.  Imagine my surprise first when they bring down and a zip loc bag with a plecostomus catfish that was (I kid you not) 6 or 7 inches long!  He barely fit across the bottom of the gallon zip loc that they put him in!  OMG, if the catfish is that big – how big is the tank?

Turns out the tank is somewhere between 25 and 35 gallons we think.  It’s 36 inches across and 13 inches deep and 24 inches tall – it came with a stand!  Wow!  Good thing she cleaned her room or she would never have had a place to put it.  We need to replace the top or have Bill build us a new one as this is a flat back hex tank and we can’t find anyone anywhere that carries that kind any longer so we can’t find a hood.  I searched online and found what I think will work but I can’t get anyone to measure the darn thing to see if the dimensions are correct – plus it’s $41.99 plus shipping – I think Bill can build something less expensive!

A hood is very important because not only does it keep the water from evaporating as quickly, it keeps the fish in the tank and not jumping out and it keeps the cats out of the tank and not jumping in! 

I wish I had thought to take a picture of the tank now that it is set up and the fish are acclimating to it just fine.  Once we get a lid and not the screen that I found to put over it temporarily I will be taking a picture.

So, I walked into her bedroom last night and there she sat on her bed with her cat, her bunny and the fish tank bubbling in the corner…. I wonder how you wrap a fish for Christmas?

Monday, December 5, 2011

What's Cookin?

Monday: InnovAsian Orange Chicken breast (the one we tried last week wasn’t very good) and InnovAsian Chicken Fried Rice. (Both frozen foods)
Tuesday: Panko breaded Shrimp, Wild Rice Medley (Everybody Cooks, Holiday, 2010)
Wednesday: Cauliflower Cheese Soup (WW Recipe) with chopped broccoli added, crusty bread
Thursday: Thimbles with Mushrooms and Artichokes (Giada De Laurentiis – food network)
Friday: Dinner at Amanda’s Yule Party – taking vegetable crock pot (http://southernfood.about.com/od/crockpotvegetables/r/bl21c8.htm)
Saturday: Dinner at Harmony’s Flame Yule party - buffet
Sunday: Dinner at FWF Yule party – pot luck – if the vegetable crock pot is a hit, I may take it again since this will most likely be a different set of folks.

As usual if you want a recipe – just let me know. “Everybody Cooks” is a quarterly magazine put out by Dierbergs Grocery store. You can find it online here: http://www.dierbergs.com/School/Everybody+Cooks+Magazine.aspx

I have three Yule parties to go to this weekend so I’m not sure how well I’ll be doing on my Weight Watchers plan but I’ve been really good the past week and will try to save up all my extra points for the weekend this week as well. Wish me luck!

Monday, November 28, 2011

What's cookin?

Monday: Turkey casserole (use up the rest of the leftovers)
Tuesday: Orange Glazed chicken (Everybody Cooks, Sept 2010)
Wednesday: Shrimp Vindaloo (Everybody Cooks, Sept 2010)
Thursday: Hamburger Helper
Friday: Pork chops w. Bacon Broccoli Sauté (Everybody Cooks. Sept 2010)
Saturday: Fiesta stack-up (Everybody Cooks, Sept 2010)
Sunday: Leftovers at Bills

As usual if you want a recipe – just let me know.

Grapes served in a champaign gobblet are very elegant!

One of the things we did do at the auction on Saturday was bid on some glassware and stone ware.  We ended up getting a full set of 8 wine glasses and 2 champaign gobblets as well as various tea pots, honey pots, pitchers etc all for $1!  Yes, you read that right the entire mess for a dollar!
Last night I was wanting some grapes so Erik said he would go get them for me.  He ended up putting them in one of the champaign gobblets - wow!  What an elegant way to serve grapes!  I felt all special as I ate my grapes and watched Sex in the City!  :)

Thanksgiving weekend

I had all my guys home for Thanksgiving! Erik arrived Tuesday late afternoon. He was dissapointed that he waited until after classes on Tuesday to come home since they had 20 minutes of class on Tuesday... he could have come home on the Thursday before!

Bill came in on Wednesday. He brought the turkey frier for the thanksgiving turkey.

Tom got in on Thursday at 11:30am. His friend Kasey picked him up at the airport and they stopped at Aunt Becky's before coming home. I didn't get any pictures on Thanksgiving day - was so busy cooking and enjoying all their company! But I did get this pic of Tom on Black Friday morning:

And then he decided to join the world of the living:

His kitty has very happy to see him.

Bill and I drove up to my sister's house on Friday night so we could be there for the Auction of mom's house on Saturday morning. We stopped at the outlet mall in Tuscola and I got a pair of jeans for Tom ($8.00) and an outfit for me to wear to Yule parties in the coming weeks.

We had a really nice day for the Auction even though it was a bit overcast and rain was threatening. Unfortunately, we had a lot of lookers and no buyers. No one even bid on the house! I was shocked! I don't know what we are going to do with it now. We really need to get rid of it - know anyone in East Central Illinois that wants a beautiful old victorian home on a corner lot in Fairmount?

We came home after the Auction and brought home Monicals Pizza since Tom had not gotten any in over a year. The boys started their exodus on Sunday morning - Tom left at 4:00am and got into Destin at 7:00pm. Bill left sunday evening and Erik left this morning at 4:45am.

The house is quiet again as Aubri is back at school and Austen is asleep. Just me and the cats for 3 more weeks till they all come back for Yule!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My sister is driving me CRAZY!

I wish my mother had just appointed one of us to be executer of her estate but instead she appointed both of us as co-executers.  I will NEVER do this – I’m having more stress and headaches dealing with my sister’s arrogance and annoying behavior than I should have to.  She is refusing to cooperate with anything the auctioneer says.  He needs a key so that he can stop by mom’s house and start working on getting everything set up for the auction next Saturday (after Thanksgiving), but Cheri is insisting that she is not available until the weekend and the auctioneer is trying to find a way to get in sooner.  I don’t understand why she can’t have him stop by her house one evening and pick it up.  I would mail him mine if I thought it would get there soon enough!  He is trying his best to work with her but I know I’m annoyed with her – I can’t imagine that he will want to EVER work with her again!

She has been dragging her feet for almost 2 years now.  First she didn’t want to sell the place.  I told her I couldn’t afford to keep paying the insurance and utilities indefinitely.  Then she refused to help with any of the clean up.  She lives 10 minutes away from mom’s house – I live 4 HOURS away!  I finally got her convinced that we needed to move this thing and she has found every excuse to not cooperate with it.  First she didn’t want to auction it but really, this house is in no condition to sell it on the market.  Then she found all sorts of excuses about the auctioneer that SHE picked out.  Now she’s trying to keep him out of the house so he can’t do his job.  I’m just afraid that come next week she won’t want to accept the bid that we get on it. 

She is expecting to get 50 – 60 K for a house that is barely worth 25!  I could use all the energy, prayers, good wished, whatever you have to help get this house and its contents sold and be done with all of this.  I’m to the point that I don’t even want to go to her house for Christmas – I’m just fed up with her.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Erik's next deer

Yes, the boy got another deer this year. Doesn't quite seem fair that he was only in the stand about 20 minutes and here she came! Meghan went with him, they got up at 4:00am! Ate breakfast and were in the stand by 6:00. Just about 6:30 (daylight) he heard a noise off to his left. He told Meghan to be still and she tracked the deer till he had a good kill shot. She jumped and ran a few feet then doubled back to die right in front of the tree stand!

He spent the rest of the weekend processing her. She looks to have been a doe about 3 years old. We ate venison steaks on Saturday night and venison chili yesterday. The rest is in the freezer. Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This and That

It’s been several weeks since I posted a real update – I have to think back on all that has been going on.

A few weeks ago some friends of ours called to see if we would like a loom.  It’s a huge thing – will probably be over 10 feet long all set up.  I couldn’t see it going into the dump so I took it.  It’s going to live in the shed until we have a place to set it up.  Bill says I need to get a spindle so I can spin the dog’s hair into thread to weave!  By the looks of what we get from the dogs several times a year we could probably made several rugs or even clothes with it!

Production on the house has pretty much come to a standstill.  Lack of funds is our major problem.  We need to get the floor upstairs finished and the furnace in downstairs before any more major projects can be started.  I’m hoping for a nice tax refund to help with both of those things.  Until then, the ‘barn’ has been used for storing the loom temporarily and we’ve ‘camped’ in it a couple of times.  Bill is slowly getting his tools moved down there so that the ‘shop’ part of it can be operational soon.

We’ve both been cleaning and clearing at home.  I have 13 years of stuff to go through and decide to keep, pitch or give away.  I’ve started in the computer room.  The old computer finally gave out – I need to get the hard drive in to have it moved to an external drive so I can still get to the documents.  I have moved bookcases in and all my books are now living in one place.  We need to start calling it the library now instead of the computer room!  I still have some clearing to do in there but it’s a major improvement.

There is finally some movement on my mother’s house.  My sister agreed to auction it off.  The auction is set for the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  I had been making trips up there to try to clear it out and it just seemed to not be getting anywhere.  This auctioneer will go through and stage everything and set it all up for us!  I’m hoping we get enough from the sale to pay him and both of us.  Hopefully, that will be enough to finish the ‘barn’!

Well, that’s all I can think of for now.  Tomorrow I’ll be taking Austen to the oral surgeon to get his wisdom teeth out.  I hope he has a better time of it than I did.  He’s young so maybe that will be to his advantage.  J

Monday, November 7, 2011

I have such cool kids!

Aubri has a coffee date this afternoon at Star Bucks with a junior (17 year old that drives - *sigh*) so he just came by to pick her up and I had told Austen that he should take off his shirt and go out to meet the guy when he arrived. So when the date got here, Austen stripped off his shirt (he has several tattoos and piercings and that flaming red hair!)

and he followed her to the door. He was acting quite crazy doing his best ‘Sand People’ imitation. The guy saw him and started doing it back! LOL Poor Aubri is so embarrassed.

What's Cookin?

As usual real life got in the way of my best laid plans. Erik came home this past weekend so Friday night’s dinner was changed to Spiced Flank Steak with Porter Sauce (a rerun from last weekend at Bill’s.) Then the leftovers were made into a wonderful Beef and barley vegetable soup that we had yesterday and I’m eating leftovers today. This will make a great lunch next week as well. So some of these are reruns from last week that didn’t happen.

Tuesday: Steaks, Mac and Cheese, and Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes with cinnamon and brown sugar!
Wednesday: Chicken thighs with Potatoes I can make this up ahead of time and Aubri can pop it in the oven when she gets home from school since I have plans for later Wednesday night.
Thursday: Pork steaks w/Cheese and chive smashed potatoes (Everybody Cooks Fall 2011) I’m going to put the Pork Steaks in the crock pot and then all I have to do is cook the potatoes when I get home – Java class later.
Friday: Eat on the road to Bills (Erik and Meghan are going with)
Saturday: Steak or Venison, mashed potatoes, winter veggie Gratin (Everybody Cooks Fall 2011)
Sunday: 3 bean chili and cast iron corn bread (love corn bread!)
Monday: Masala Kabobs with Tomato Ginger Raita (Everybody Cooks Fall 2010) This is going to be my second attempt at Indian food – the first turned out pretty good.

As usual if you want a recipe – just let me know.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What's Cookin?

Just a bit behind this week in the menu planning.

Tuesday: Racanellis Pizza and salad
Wednesday: Blackened Salmon w/ Long grain and wild rice. Veggies
Thursday: Chicken thighs w/Potatoes
Friday: Venison Steaks in the crock pot w/mashed potatoes
Saturday: we are helping a friend move – so don’t know
Sunday: Pork Steaks w cheese and chive smashed red potatoes and green beans
Monday: Spaghetti w/smoked Gouda cheese straws

As usual if you want a recipe – just let me know.

Monday, October 31, 2011

What I didn't do this weekend

This was to have been the first weekend in months that Bill and I had to spend together doing what we wanted to do without having to go anywhere specific or do anything specific. Best laid plans you know…

He worked late on Friday. That did give me time to clean up the kitchen and check what I needed on my grocery list before he got home. I made dinner when he did get home and we watched movies.

Saturday we slept in (woo hoo!) and then went into town to get brunch, groceries, and go to the farmer’s market (not necessarily in that order). While eating brunch we got a call from some friends that had a loom they wanted to bring by. Coolness! So we told them we would be home in a couple of hours. We finished our brunch and errands and headed back to the homestead. It was 3:00 before they got there. We went out into the woods for awhile, Bill piddled around at the house and once they got there, we unloaded the loom and then talked for a while.

Then we headed back to the house for some awesome rubbed beef flank with potato hash and green beans from the farmer’s market. Yummy! Then we watched more movies. So far so good.

Sunday Bill woke up with a cold. He was coughing, and just couldn’t get warm. He didn’t have a fever but he had the symptoms of a great head cold! So, we watched more movies all day, Bill slept most of the day, and I snacked all day. Bummer! We were pretty pathetic but we did get plenty of rest! :)

Next weekend we will be helping some friends move into their new house. So can’t wait to see the place and the look of utter pride and pleasure on Amanda’s face. And the best part – they will be living in town closer to me now and they live not too far from Global Market! Woo Hoo!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I am in love.   I have found a place in Webster Groves that carries Gyro meat.  Bill and I rambled through WG on Friday night and I remembered the last time I was a Trader Joe’s looking for said Gyro meat they told me I might find it at the Global Market in Webster Groves.  So when I saw said market I pulled in.  We went right about finding our prize and low and behold they have it!  I was ecstatic!

I spent another hour just looking around the place.  This place is amazing!  They have all kinds of foods from all over the world – I think I may have found a new favorite place to shop.  Although I won’t be able to get there often, I do plan on making a monthly trip now that I know where it is and what they have!

What's Cookin?

Again, with real life intruding on my best laid plans, some things are showing up again this week that really didn’t get done last week. Hopefully, I will get a weekend free to do what I want this week and not what everyone else wants. 

Tuesday: Chicken fingers with Red beans and Rice
Wednesday: Baked Ziti with Summer Squash
Thursday: 3 bean chili (leftovers)
Friday: Turkey Breast Scampi
Saturday: Spice Rubbed Flank Steak w/ Porter Sauce and Harvest vegetable Hash
Sunday: Tuna Casserole
Monday: Hamburger Helper with Extra veggies added in.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What's Cookin?

We had some changes last week so we are starting this week with the Chicken Tetrazzini that didn’t get made last night. Going to my sister’s this weekend to try to get my mom’s house ready for selling – I really just want to get that done and over with!

Tuesday: Chicken Tetrazzini
Wednesday: Italian Chicken Soup
Thursday: Tuna Casserole
Friday: Pork Chops with Roasted Butternut Squash and herbed couscous
Saturday: at my sisters but Monical's Pizza will be involved!
Sunday: Monical’s Pizza on the way home from my sister’s and probably leftovers
Monday: Chicken Tenders w/ Red and Beans and Rice.

As usual if you want a recipe – just let me know.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Breakfast of Champions!

I just received a text from my daughter with this picture:

This is Fall Break at school so she is home all week and sleeping in (noon – yeah, that’s definitely sleeping in!) This is a picture of her ‘Breakfast of Champions’ bagels with Cream Cheese, Apple Butter, Peanut Butter and Nutella – yummy!

I think I agree with her – it does look like a pretty good breakfast.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What's cookin?

This weekend is our Samhain celebration in the woods. We will be having potluck on Saturday night so other than what we are making, I have not a clue what will be for dinner. So, I’ll have to save up my extra points this week for the weekend! Last weekend worked out pretty well – unbeknownst to me, my sister-in-law was on Weight Watchers too so we helped each other out all weekend!

Tuesday: Broccoli and Sausage Casserole (WW Recipe)
Wednesday: Baked Ziti with Summer Squash (WW Recipe)
Thursday: Hamburgers and chips
Friday: Cauliflower and Cheese Soup with sandwiches
Saturday: Deep fried Turkey, chili, cranberry salad, potluck!
Sunday: Tuna Casserole
Monday: Skillet chicken Tetrazzini (Dierbergs Everybody Cooks magazine)

I should point out that if anyone wants a recipe, just let me know. Most of these are Weight Watchers so I can’t link to them but I can type it up and send it to you. :)

Apple Butter 101

My first Attempt at canning (correctly) Apple Butter last night turned out pretty well I have to admit. I have been making apple butter in the fall about every other year or when I could get a hold of enough good apples to make a batch. Usually it doesn't last long!

So I acquired apples on Sunday on our way home from Bill's family reunion in Arkansas, $8.50 for a half bushel. They looked pretty good and I dug down in the basket to make sure the good ones weren't just on the top.

Once I started peeling them on Sunday evening, I discovered that they were softer than I thought. My apple peeler was having a hard time holding on to the core, I ended up peeling a lot of them by hand which I don’t like doing. (That’s harder work!)

But I Finally got most of them in the crock pot and ready to season. Brown sugar, cinnamon, and a dash of all spice and away we go. I am out of cloves I found but I’ve done it without the cloves before and it turns out pretty good. They go into the Crock Pot on low over night or about 12 hours.

Yesterday I took the lid off the pot and let them cook down a bit since they were pretty wet. Then I realized I didn’t have any lids for my canning jars. So a trip to several stores looking for lids and I finally was ready to can.

I washed the jars and lids in the dishwasher and kept them in there until ready to fill. You want the jars warm so that when you immerse them into the simmering water they don’t break. I found that I only had enough to fill 2 pint jars, one jelly jar (going right into the fridge for our use right away) and had a smidge left that I put in Tupperware for use right away.

I filled my jars, set them in the basket and dunked them in making sure that the water was covering the jars. Bring them to a boil for 15 minutes and then turn the heat off and let them set for 5 before taking them out of the water and setting them on the counter or table to stand for 12 hours (overnight in my case). I warned the kids that if they heard a popping sound over night it was just the jars sealing and it was ok. About 5:30 this morning I heard the distinctive POP! I checked them by pressing on the top of the lid – no give so they sealed perfectly! They are ready to put in the cupboard for storage for use this winter.

Meanwhile, I have another batch of apple butter in the crock pot now – I made the mistake of posting on Facebook that I was canning Apple Butter and have already gotten 3 requests!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My mid-morning walk

This is the path that I walk on morning and afternoon at work. Today I decided to take some pictures:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hurrah for yummy homemade Indian food!

I made some Chicken Tikka Masala last Friday and put the leftovers in the freezer for lunch this week. Today I am eating said leftovers with some Garlic Naan that I bought at Trader Joe’s. Someone on the other side of the building was having a food day today and has had crock pots going all morning with yummy smelling stuff. Not sure what they are eating but it almost drove me mad! So glad I have my yummy lunch to eat now.

Today was twice this week that I had to run home at lunchtime to get something. Yesterday I forgot my cell phone and I CANT live the day without it. Well, I suppose I could be I know that Bill and the kids would wonder what happened to me if I didn’t answer text and calls all day! Today, Aubri texted me this morning – her Nook had died (batteries this time not the death that we had a few weeks ago) and she wanted me to bring her a book at lunch. She needed it for English this afternoon. So I’m sitting at my desk eating my yummies.

I have some Venison Steak in the crock pot at home for dinner tonight. It smelled really good when I went home a bit ago. I stirred and checked on it and all is good. All I have to do is make up some potatoes and carrots to go with and I have dinner ready when I get home. Life is good. ;)

I just saw one of these....

Just off the sidewalk behind the building. He was sitting in a tree about 12 -15 feet away from me and talking to me. I stopped to say hi and tell him how pretty he was and he flew away before I could get a picture. I'm pretty sure this is one of the youths that has been in the trees out on the walking trail all summer. Beautiful birds!

I wonder what he was trying to tell me?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I tried something new at the produce market in St. Charles this week, a pear apple. It was very interesting. It was crunchy like an apple but tasted somewhat like a pear. It wasn't that grainy chunchy that pears are when they aren't ripe yet though - it was applelike in texture. It was very odd.

Reminded me of when I tried brocaflower - it was just a bit weird!

What's Cookin?

Since we are going to Bill’s family reunion Friday through Sunday I don’t know what is on the menu. Everyone brings something for one meal – we are bringing Strawberry shortcake(is a family favorite), cranberry salad (another family favorite) and Chicken Salad and Pitas for one lunch. I don’t know what days are what (very hard to plan this way) so I’m guessing I’ll wing it!

Tuesday: Tilapia w/Green beans and mashed potatoes
Wednesday: Easy Crock Pot Venison Steak (cooks.com)
Thursday: Chicken and vegetables with Rice
Friday: Bills family reunion
Saturday: Bills family reunion
Sunday: leftovers
Monday: Blackened Salmon w/wild rice and veggies.

Homecoming Weekend

This past weekend was Homecoming at Francis Howell Central High School. Aubri went with her friends since she and her boyfriend ‘broke up’ a few weeks ago. Erik came home from college to take his girlfriend, who is a senior, to Homecoming. Here are some pics:

That's Aubri on the left.

All the girls that went together to Homecoming.

At the dance - she's on the right.

Erik and Meghan

Corsage time

They all looked so nice.

And here are some pictures of Erik and Meghan from a couple of weeks ago at a Cardinal game:

Go Cards!

Erik has Edmonds on the back of his shirt and Meghan has Molina on the back of hers – now I see why he likes her. ;)

In other news, my brakes went out over the weekend. Bill came up and checked them out.

The bad news – it’s the ABS sensor on the axle and you can’t replace just the sensor it is part of the entire axle assembly.

The good news, he used some JB weld and so far, so good, it’s holding. I’m hoping it can hold out at least till the end of the month when he would have time to replace it if it goes out again.

Upcoming weekend news: Bill’s family reunion is this weekend in Arkansas. I look forward to this every year so I’m excited that it’s this weekend. We will be leaving on Friday and back on Sunday then next weekend is Samhain at Brittony Woods! October is going by so fast!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dance with Dragons (Fire and Ice series or Game of Thrones on Tv)

I'm really disapointed. I liked the first few books but this last one has me dragging my feet. I don't know, maybe its the fact that it took 4 YEARS for him to get this book out because he was busy writting comic books and getting HBO movie deals or maybe it's just not that good.

I started reading it in July and have only gotten about 1/3 of the way through and put it aside to read more interesting things like Jim Butcher, Larell K Hamilton, Terry Goodkind - yes, I read three books and still have not finished "Dance with Dragons". I'll get to it - maybe next week if something better doesn't show up first. I'm just that non-interested.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This is so frustrating.  I sometimes can reply to comments on my posts and sometimes (like today) I can't.  I'm trying to reply to the comment on my last post about where in St. Charles the produce market is.

Vaccaro & Sons Produce
(636) 940-8505
739 S Duchesne Dr, St Charles, MO 63301
It's across from the McDonalds on Duchesne and Droste.

Sorry Alyson but I had to put it here instead of there.

What's Cookin?

I haven’t been doing a menu for a few weeks, I was trying to eat up leftovers since they were starting to take over the freezer and I had no more freezer containers to put more leftovers in. But we are starting to hit the bottom of the barrel so here’s what’s cookin the rest of the week.

Wednesday: Three bean Venison Chili
Thursday: Chicken Tikka Masala (new recipe – gonna try to see if I can make this yummy dish at home since it’s so expensive to eat it out at my favorite Indian Restaurant.
Friday: Roast Venison with mashed potatoes and Carrots
Saturday: Blackened Salmon with Broccoli and Wild Rice
Sunday: Hamburger Helper (it was on sale this week at Dierbergs) with mushrooms, onion and green pepper added.
Monday: Tilapia with wild rice and fall veggies

I made a trip to the produce market over in St. Charles Monday. It’s not a farmer’s market but it’s the closest thing to it that is open every day. The produce is fresh and is sold in an open air market (under a large 30x40 tarp thingy. This place has been there for at least 16 years. I used to go there all the time when we lived closer but it’s a 30 minute drive now and I just haven’t been since we moved to this house. I think I’ll start making a trip over there on Monday’s on my lunch hour since they seem to have really good stuff and very reasonably priced.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Work Weekend

There was some progress on ‘the barn’ this past few weeks – insulation is up on one wall, the cross supports are up, the big hole where the stairs are supposed to be has been partially uncovered, the ditch for the well pipe to ‘the barn’ is dug and the pipe has been laid out in the yard to uncurl – little things that like. Most of the work this week and all of the work this weekend was in the campground.

We are having our annual Samhain festival October 14 – 16 and the campground needed some work. We had several trees that have been down for 2+ years that needed to be cut up, split and stacked. We also needed to clear some new areas for camping as we are expecting a few more this year than we had last year. The thing with having more people and more tents is that our labyrinth circle has to get bigger which pushes the tents back farther into the woods.

We got all of the trees cleared, split and stacked and now have over 3 cord of wood – I don’t think Bill will have any trouble heating the woods for Samhain this year! We also took down some dead trees that were starting to drop branches and needed to come down for safety.

We had a small Mabon ritual on Saturday night where I burned our corn dolly that I had made 2+ years ago (seems to be a trend here) and we charged the new one. We all said what we were thankful for and then we sat around the fire and had a nice fellowship afterward.

All and all it was a good weekend and we had some great friends come out to help us. I’m thankful for those friends!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

An Update on the Greek Yogurt thing

So I’ve been trying different Greek Yogurts for weeks now trying to decide if it’s for me.  Well hello Stonyfield Organic Greek Yogurt!  They have a chocolate and a carmel flavor that is to die for!  Yes, chocolate so it’s just a bit of decadence in the morning for me – like eating chocolate pudding for breakfast!  It satisfies my chocolate craving and it’s good for me – how much better is that?  Both flavors come in convenient 4 packs which are less expensive than buying individual flavors.  They also have fruit flavors that are yummy too.

Monday, September 19, 2011


We went camping this weekend for Mabon.  For those of you that don't know what Mabon is it's a fall festival celebrating the harvest.  We made corn dollies, had a handfasting, and tried to stay warm and dry since it rained off and on all weekend. 

Here are some pics of my camp:

LOL  Bill kept moving out of the picture as I was trying to catch him so I told him to not move and he stuck his tongue out at me... so I took the picture! 

These two were our guardeans on the outside.  Usually I don't have the blue walls all down but we had to keep them down most of the weekend because of the rain.  :(

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Odd week

This week has been an odd week.  I’m not sure what really constitutes ‘normal’ around here but this week was not on the normal curve of things.  Bill and I went up to my mom’s house on Saturday where we met my sister and we proceeded to further clear out stuff so we can sell the house.  I don’t know why I always get ‘talked into’ taking more stuff every time I go up there but I did.  We had originally planned on bringing home the glass top for the desk that we brought home a few months ago – we had forgotten it the last time we were up there.  But somehow we ended up bringing home a whole pickup load of stuff and there is still a pile in the dining room at mom’s house yet to get.  How does this happen?

I was really hoping to get the rest of everything cleared out so that we can start the selling process but alas, while we got a lot done, there is still things that need to be taken out and cleaning up to do.  We are planning on auctioning the house and contents (what is left) so we have to now go through websites of a few auction houses in the area to find one that will come out to the house to auction it off.  I really think we will get the quickest sell this way as this is a little town at the corner of No and Where in Illinois and no one has any money these days to pay full market price.  The house needs work so I don’t feel too bad letting it go for less.

Got home on Sunday night and as we were turning into the subdivision Austen’s car was sitting out in the middle of the cul-de-sac and Aubri was trying to call me on the cell phone.  Seems his power steering was out and they both needed to be at work.  Just after we pulled into the drive, Erik and Meghan pulled up in Meghan’s car and Erik hopped out and ran into the house to change his Cardinal shirt (they had been to the Cardinal game) into his Racanelli’s shirt and he took Aubri to work and covered Austen’s shift.  That brought Erik home after 10 and he was supposed to drive back to school that evening but I convinced him to sleep over and drive back in the morning – 5 hours starting at 11:00 is too late in my opinion!

Erik got back to school ok the next day and Austen started his quest to find out what was wrong with the car.  He drove it over to Dobbs auto (I hate that place but it’s close) and they didn’t call him back until Tuesday morning with the bad news that it was the power steering pump and they would have to replace the entire assembly at a cost of $1100!  Wow!  Bill suggested he check to see if it was still under warranty and since he also thought the part was a dealer only part that it might actually be less expensive to take it to the Mazda dealership and see what they could do.  Unfortunately the warranty expired last month (figures) and the cost will be about the same since they have to work on some electrical stuff as well.

So, Tuesday evening when I got off work, I picked Austen up from the dealership and took him to Enterprise rent-a-car.  Now Randy used to work at Enterprise and we have never had so much trouble renting a car before – I even used them in South Caroline in August when we went to Tom’s graduation with no trouble but jeeeze!  These people wanted a pint of blood and my firstborn male child just to rent a car for 3 days!  Seems that a debit card is not good enough to rent a car- you have to have a credit card or fill out a resume of your finances in triplicate!  I was not at all happy with them but Austen needed a car so we did it.  They had promised him a compact car but when we got there they had NO CARS so they gave him a Chevy Colorado for the same price.  Austen didn’t really care what car it was as long as it got him to work.

So I left Enterprise, stopped at Weight Watchers to weigh in and then was off to Cahokia Mounds for a memorial service.  I posted about that earlier this week so I’ll leave those details out for now but I did get to see some folks I haven’t gotten to see in a while so that was nice and we all went to Cracker Barrel afterwards for dinner and really had a nice relaxing conversation.

Today I have to make the rounds to the Electric Company to pay the bill, go to the bank, and then class tonight.  Bill is pulling the trailer up some time today so that we can leave in the morning for Columbia MO for a weekend camping festival and hand fasting of some friends.  More seeing of folks not seen in a while – hopefully we have a stress free and relaxing weekend – although the weather forecast is for rain all weekend!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rainy days and Mondays....

Well, it’s not Monday but it is rainy today here in St. Louis. The much needed rain started last night after 11 and is still going strong this afternoon about 1:50pm. I saw the lightning coming last night on my way home from Illinois at 10:30 and I heard the thunder off and on all night. This makes me want to be home with a good book, a warm afghan and soup simmering on the stove. And it looks like it’s supposed to keep this up off and on through the weekend – of course the only camping I have done all summer except for PSG and it’s supposed to rain. What is it this year about cold rainy weather and camping for me?

I'm not complaining though - I love the rain - I just wish we would get some good thunder and lightning. :)

Godspeed Brother Don

Last night Don Newman's chosen family and friends gathered at Cahokia Mounds inside the Woodhenge Circle to honor his life. The brotherhood of the spear, to which Don was a proud member, stood watch while we shared stories and memories of Don inside the circle. While we sat there the full moon rose over Monk’s Mound
in the east:

(Sorry the picture is so dark but it was... dark outside. If you look to the left of Gabriel's shadow standing guard in the east you will see a small red spot on the horizon. That is the moon rising.)

(This is a picture of it after the ritual was over and the moon was higher in the sky - and not quite so red.)

After the ritual we all went to Cracker Barrel for dinner and more remembrances of Don.

Godspeed my brother in light!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What’s happening?

It’s been a lovely long Labor Day weekend and so much went on and so much is yet to come this week that I decided I would bunch it all into one post.  So, here goes:

I worked from home on Friday so I was there when Erik got home from College for the weekend.  I had made one of his favorite meals – Beef stroganoff.  He ate and we caught up on all that was going on at school and here at home then his girlfriend got off work and came over.  We sat and talked and pulled out old photo albums since she wanted to see him with blond hair (yes, he was almost completely white headed when we lived in Arizona!)

I got up the next morning and headed down to the property.  Bill had been busy putting the rest of the floor down in the shop and I wanted to see it. 

He worked on putting in more electrical wiring and putting up walls most of the rest of the weekend.

We had folks renting out the campground this weekend so we spend evenings down there with them around the camp fire.  I just love hanging out in the woods!  We put an air mattress up in the shop on Sunday night and slept there – our first night in the new place!  J  Bill also had dug the water line from the well.  We just need to get the well checked and run the pipe from it to the house.
As you can see in the picture – my car is fixed.  Bill’s neighbor John did the work.  He is very good – you can’t tell it was ever wrecked!

Saturday afternoon I was sitting in the window of the shop while Bill was working and I looked out and saw a bobcat loping through the front yard!  I didn’t want to spook it so I was trying to get Bill’s attention.  He looked out the window closest to him and could see it as well.  Unfortunately, it moved on before I could get a picture.  It’s pretty cool to think we have such a beautiful creature living on our land.  J

I came home yesterday afternoon to spend some time with Erik before he went back to school.  We went to get pizza at the place where all the kids work.  Then he had to pack and leave when we got home.  *Sigh* I do miss him.

Tom called that evening.  He was telling me all about what he is learning at AIT (well, not everything but the general coolness of it according to him.)  He really likes this and can’t wait to get to Eglin AFB to start the second part of his training.  He will have a lot more freedom on base there and will probably be taking his car and motorcycle with him to Florida. 

Aubri came in to my room last night to have me rub her back.  She has had a back ache for a few days now.  We had thought maybe she had just slept wrong but it’s getting worse and when I was rubbing her back she has a really tender spot.  We have a doctor’s appt this afternoon to find out what is going on with that.

JAVA class is kicking my butt!  I used to be really good at math but that was 30 years ago!  I did all my homework then checked my answers with the back of the book – I don’t get the same things.  I rechecked my math and I just don’t get it.  This may be a really long semester!

This Thursday is Aubri’s 16th birthday but since I have class we will be taking her and her friends to Sky Zone on Friday for her party.  Erik is coming home for the weekend and will be going too.  I’m hoping that Bill will be able to come up for the weekend and maybe we can go up to my mom’s house and finish getting my sister’s stuff moved out so we can sell it.  We really need the money and we really need to get rid of the house.

I’m taking another week off from cooking.  I have so many leftovers I need to eat up.  Aubri bought some things to put in the freezer last week and we have to move some to the outside freezer as I had so many leftovers in the way.  J

Ok, enough rambles – on with the week.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dear iTunes

For over a week now you have been jerking me around.  First you charged 3 separate items to my credit card that I had not authorized.  You refuse to tell me what said items were for.  I have tried to talk to a real person but alas you are so afraid of actually talking to your customers that you will only correspond in emails that seem to originate out of India.  I guess in retrospect that may be a good plan as I can never understand those people on the phone. 

Anyway, I had to call my bank to get the charges reversed but now I can’t update my iPhone.  Stupid iPhone insists that I have an Apple iTunes account to work so here I am stuck with you for another year and a half!  Between you and AT&T I have decided that I will become a Verizon customer as soon as my contract is up – maybe sooner if I don’t get these issues resolved with both of you (yes, AT&T is jerking me around as well – another story). 

So today I get an email saying I need to reset my password.  So I follow the link in the email that you sent and low and behold – the link works but the reset procedure doesn’t.  *sigh*  So now I have to send yet another email back to you telling you that your web site is broken and how do you expect me to reset my password now?

No love,


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The house is strangely empty

Erik left for college last Wednesday evening and ever since the house has been really quiet and empty.  Not that Austen and Aubri don’t make noise but when they are both at work the house is really quiet and empty.  *Sigh* I went from having all four home from April till the end of May, to now only the two are left. 

Tom’s kitty is really lonely since she had adopted Erik as her person but now he’s gone too – do I need to get the cat a depression counselor for abandonment issues?  LOL Austen has tried to take up the slack with the kitty and Aubri loves her all the time too.  She avoids me – I guess that’s because she was picking on my cat when she first came to the house and I had to discipline her (put her in her crate for time out) and I probably smell like my cat Stormy as well.  They tolerate each other now, but if Miss Kitty gets too close to Stormy, Stormy will still hiss at her.

Erik is planning to come home this weekend for Labor Day weekend.  I am going to be home Friday night but will have to get up Saturday morning and leave to go to the country as we have folks renting the place this weekend and Bill needs some help with all that. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

What’s cookin?

This week I’m tired of cooking. So I went to the store yesterday and bought a few frozen dinners (I still have plenty of leftovers in the freezer that I probably should eat up) and some deli meats and am going to wing it this week. I found a very interesting ethnic gourmet “Chicken Tika Masala” that I’m going to have for lunch today (Monday) and another Indian one for later in the week.

Ate out all weekend while we were at Northwest so now I have to walk walk walk to catch up on the points I used! Oops – you know I really did try but you just can’t stay on program and eat out at all!

Monday: Ok, I’m going to cook tonight – but that’s it! :) Salmon with pasta peas and Pesto – thanks to popfiend for suggesting Gojee :)
Tuesday: don’t know
Wednesday: don’t know
Thursday: don’t know
Friday: don’t know – oh well, I may or may not be home that night. Erik comes home for the weekend but we have folks at the property- decisions (I’ll probably be home that night and leave in the morning.)
Saturday: don’t know – will be at Bills
Sunday: don’t know – will be at Bills

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stevia is a good thing

The ongoing Greek Yogurt debate has brought me to Yoplait Greek Yogurt.  I’ve been trying different brands to see who has the best flavor and creaminess.  Yoplait is creamy but it’s really not very sweet.  However, I have found that a couple of drops of stevia will sweeten it right up and make it tolerable.

At first I forgot to check ingredients on the yogurts I was buying and found that some are really good and others not so much.  Now I know why those good ones taste so good – Corn syrup.  Evil corn syrup!  This stuff really isn’t good for you despite what the corn growers of America try to tell you – yes, your body does know the difference.  Corn syrup goes directly to fat, does not pass go and does not collect $200!  It also works on the appetite sensors in your body to make you crave it more (can we say sweet cocaine?)  Just Google corn syrup vs. sugar and you’ll get a multitude of articles about why it’s bad for you – worse than refined sugar.

So why Stevia?  (Have you seen the commercial about the woman who has a new love, a sweet love, it comes from a plant, etc… that’s stevia.)  It does come from a plant that grows right here in Missouri.  Just like sugar, this sweet plant is processed into liquid or crystal form and you can now buy it in health food stores.  I’ve seen a commercial where they show packets of it in restaurants but so far I’ve not found it commercially.  (The woman who complains about her ice tea to sugar ratio being destroyed by the waitress – that’s stevia too.)

So the quest for perfect Greek yogurt is still on going to find one without corn syrup is creamy and is sweet enough without aspartame.  It’s like finding a needle in a haystack.  J

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Evil Pizza

It must be the salt content - or maybe the fat that goes right to my hips.. I'm not sure what it is about eating pizza that makes me gain 3 pounds overnight!  Last night I weighed in at Weight Watchers - still hovering at 40 pounds.  I was hungry for pizza and had lots of weekly points left over so I indulged in some think crust one topping pizza... this afternoon I weigh 3 pounds more than I did last night.... evil pizza!

And here I was worried about a Hurricane!

After yesterday’s earthquake in Virginia I was not too worried but still wanted to hear from Tom.  Last night I got a call about 6:15 – he almost missed it!  Yes, his first earthquake and he almost missed it. 

They were standing under a car port type structure working outside when they thought they felt a heavy troop transport driving by – except there was no transport.  They all stood around and looked at each other for a few minutes (apparently no one there from the west coast) and then someone noticed the lights swaying on the underside of the structure.  “Was that an earthquake?” 

Yep – he was shocked that I was worried about him.  “I didn’t even know what it was at first – I almost missed it.”  Was his response to my text message to call or text ASAP. 

I texted his step brother up in New York shortly after I found out about the tremor and he said it felt like a subway train going by – except he wasn’t near the subway.  He was not worried at all about Tom – said it was a really light quake and everything was fine.

So, today when I hear there was actually some damage in Washington DC and surrounding areas, I’m wondering if that little quake did that – what would a bigger one do?  Here I sit on the New Madrid fault – well, ok, I’m close – so I looked up what to do in the event of an earthquake.

Stay inside – now, I can understand if I’m in a tall building – I wouldn’t get out before the shaking stopped but if I’m in my house – I’m getting the heck outta there!  They say that more people are hurt by falling debris but I will take my chances with debris rather than be buried alive under the rubble! 

There are some tips on things to do NOW to prepare – such as bolting bookcases, heavy picture and other heavy furniture to the wall, replacing gas and water lines with flexible lines so that there is less chance of a break and fire or flood, see more suggestions here:  http://www.fema.gov/hazard/earthquake/eq_during.shtm

And for those of you on the East Coast – (you probably already know this but) here is what FEMA says about Hurricanes:              http://www.fema.gov/hazard/hurricane/index.shtm

One flew out of the nest

My youngest son leaves for college today.  He will be caravanning up to Northwest Missouri State University with his best friend Ben and Ben’s parents in a couple of hours.  They were supposed to leave about 5:00 so I would be home before he left but Ben’s mom took the afternoon off so that they could leave early.  A good plan since it takes about 5-6 hours to drive up there from St. Louis but that meant that I didn’t get my hug this morning before I left for work.

They boy was up early enough but he and his girlfriend (yes, he now says she is his girlfriend) went out for breakfast at 5:30 before she had to be at school at 7:00.  So I had him meet me for lunch and I got my hug then.

That’s two out and two to go…. Sigh…. This parenting thing is hard.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Something new

Growing up in the Midwest, I have been aware of thunderstorms and the possibility of tornados all my life.  I’ve even gone to the basement a few times when a tornado was spotted nearby.  But I’ve never thought much about hurricanes.  We live too far from the ocean to have the damage that they get – yes, we get the rain sometimes if it comes up the golf and rides the Mississippi River up toward St. Louis but by the time it gets here, it’s just another storm but usually just rain.

This morning I was perusing the news and saw that the east coast is under a watch for Hurricane Irene.  Now usually I would note this and move on but today I have a son stationed at Ft. Lee Virginia so I checked the possible path of the storm.  Yep – it could get that far north.  I’m sure the base is prepared for such things and he may even get to use some of that training if the storm is bad enough in helping the local community but I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that.

I sent him a text (which he will probably not get until tonight) about it.  I’m sure by now the base is watching the weather too.  I’m just glad he’s not still in South Carolina at basic – they will get hit much harder than Virginia according to the projected path.  I guess I’ll be watching the Atlantic storms this fall just like a do the storms in the middle of the country in the spring.