Thursday, October 23, 2014

Engaged Grandma

I had so much good news yesterday I could hardly contain myself. First this:


My oldest son is having a baby (well, actually his fiancee is but, well you know).

Then is:

My youngest son is engaged! So next year I'll be a grandma and have two new daughters! We went out for a celebratory dinner and then stopped by Target on the way home and I found a few Christmas presents for the existing grandkids (Bill's and Tom's finacee's daughter). Next year I'll need one more little thing for the grandkids!

(Can you tell I'm excited!)

Oh, the pic of my youngest son is him and his finacee and one of the little boys that they both worked with at Vacation Station named Chris. They work with special needs kids and Chris has Autism. He's a sweet kid and as you can tell, both Erik and Meghan love him. Erik had it all worked out with Chris's mother so that he took the sign to Meghan and then handed her the ring. Erik then knelt down on one knee and put the ring on her finger.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Austen spun fire the evening of our wedding.

I tried to upload another pic of him with the full moon behind him - it is awesome but Blogger wont load it.  :(

More wedding pics

I have more pics but LJ won't let me upload more than this. Maybe they are too big. Not sure.

Good Morning Sunshine!

I am privilaged to be able to work from home two days a week. Recently I have actually been able to work from our soon to be new home at the property. We are living in the camper right now when I'm down here so it's a little cramped but we don't mind too much. We obviously are looking forward to the day that we can move in to the "barn" and have a big kitchen to cook in! Cooking on a two burner stove and having a tiny fridge is challenging!

Today I woke before the sun from a sound rain induced sleep and as usual really wanted to just crawl back into bed. But the thing is working from here I get to sit in front of a window and watch the world wake. The cows across the road moo softly in the mornings. The birds wake slowly and the crickets go to sleep.

It's quiet up here at my table that I use as a desk for now. The space heater hums softly and the table lamp I use for light is one that my mother had in her house for ages. I kinda like this now that I'm up. I can hardly wait till it's all done but it's coming along and soon, soon we will live here.

(Sorry no pics. Most of the work going on right now is kinda behind the scenes - wiring, plumbing, insulation. We will hopfully get the insulation done this week so that we can get the furnace fired up before it gets too cold to stay in the camper.)