Wednesday, March 4, 2015

It's a Miracle!

It's amazing what asking for your money back will do to light a fire under a mail order company.  Toshiba isn't exactly a mail order company but they have been dragging their feet on sending my new laptop for weeks now.  Monday I wrote an email to them stating that I had waited long enough and if the laptop was not here by Friday I wanted my money back in full and I would go buy a laptop in town - and not necessarily a Toshiba!


Well, suddenly things started to move.  I have been watching the FedEx tracking and Tuesday morning the laptop moved from the same location in China it had been for weeks to another location in China.  Well, not very promising but I was hopeful that maybe that was the airport.


Wednesday it suddenly jumped from China to Japan and then on to the states!  Woo Hoo!  My laptop is stateside finally.  This morning it's in a sorting facility in Berkeley Mo (I have no idea where that is but hey - it's in Missouri!).  So hopefully I will actually have my laptop by Friday.


I don't think I'll order direct again.  Although I have done it twice before with no problems.  As a matter of fact, it only took a few days in the past but for whatever reason(s) this time - it has taken about a month.