Friday, March 8, 2013

Golfing the furnace update

Just a bit of an update on what's going on here at the Jilly-bear ranch and town house. :) Not much more has been happening down at the property - we get these little dry spells during the winter months - well we will until we get that furnace hooked up. We have the thing but we need a licensed contractor to actually hook it up for the warranty. Maybe once the tax refund comes in...

I have been thinking of getting some (or making some) stencils so that I can do some Celtic Knot work around the windows and maybe spruce up the wall that I was going to paint a different color and ended up leaving it the same color as the rest of the room. It just seems to need something. I have looked up some knot work and have found some I like but I'm not sure I can put the detail into it on the wall like I would like to. We'll see once I get with Austen to help me make the stencils.

I had some sad news earlier this week - My Brother in Law (Randy's brother) has stage 4 lung cancer and they don't expect him to live more than a few months. The kids have all been trying to get over there to see him including Tom who is trying to get home next weekend. I will love to see my son but I hate the reason.

Working from home most of this week - had a procedure done on Wednesday - I'll give you the details once I get the results back. I'm hopeful that all is well - the doc wasn't too concerned so I'm taking that as a good sign.

Austen has been working on a Disc Golf goal all week. He finally got it finished last night and has been outside this afternoon practicing his 'putting'.




  1. Sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. Hope the news of your own procedure is better. I secretly believe that your furnace has been playing golf while it is 'laying idle'.

  2. I think you might be right about the furnace! LOL

    Yes, I got the news yesterday about my procedure and all is well. *whew!* Some abnormal cells were removed and the results came back that they got them all. :)

    1. That's great! You don't need anything more on your plate to deal with.
